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Course Content
About This Course
What are Cryptocurrencies?
What are Blockchains?
Coins, Tokens, & Wallets
Owning Your Crypto
Crypto Security
How to Make Money with NFTs
Making an NFT
Selling Your NFTs on a Marketplace
Learn Crypto Online Free Course
About Lesson

Even though you may be trying to learn everything you can about crypto, some things are left unsaid, and blockchains are one of them. Only techy people understand most of the lingo that accommodates conversations about blockchain. You and most people never walk into a conversation that involves blockchain technology.

Look at blockchains like a car manufacturing facility. You only know what goes on in a car manufacturing plant. And, blockchains can be explained almost as easily if you look at them for what they are: Checkbook ledgers. Blockchains store transactions in a block of checkbook ledgers. Picture a ledger book as the block, and the chain connects them together.

Your transactions are stored in the same fashion as a checkbook ledger, and they display the same common information, with just a little more detail, as shown below.

A Sample Transaction:

  • Transaction ID
  • Wallet Address (public not your private keys)
  • Currency (ETH, BTC, XRP, etc.)
  • Date & Time
  • Movie: Where the Buffalo Roam
  • License: Paid
  • Amount: 14 ETH

This information is stored in the blockchain for as long as they keep all the machines up and running, and their data thereafter.