Learn Crypto by Lunch eBook is now on
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Learn How to Make Money Off
The New Stock Market!
Crypto is analogous to the second creation of the stock market, a truly once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Crypto babies will replace the phrase trust fund babies. Take advantage of learning about the new and exciting ways to make money off of crypto. That begins with coins, tokens, and perhaps the best investment opportunities: NFTs. NFTs are songs, movies, PDFs, college documents and graduation certificates, concert tickets, and more. However, when searching for NFTs to invest in, the world of crypto opens up.

NFTs can be digital assets but also real-world assets in the form of baseball cards, diamonds, jewelry, real estate, luxury vehicle rentals, legal ownership, and much more. In the very near future, we will all have access to catalogs with NFTs that contain nearly every item available for sale in the entire world. If you need a giant chunk of raw black granite, you can now go to Tiamonds.com and pick one up along with some diamonds and have it sent to a vault in Lichtenstein until you want to have it shipped to you.
If you have ever tried to move up the ladder of life with investing of any type, then you know that ROR and APY’s rarely come in over 30%. And, yet, there are plenty of platforms that allow you do just that. I have done this myself. Become the Banker. Loan your money to companies in return for dividends. The new, exciting world of NFTs and crypto is full of dividends beyond your portfolio’s wildest dreams.
Come join along with me as we Learn Crypto by Lunch. Remember, I said by lunch, not during. First, we have to make sure that you understand how to buy and protect your crypto. And, ask yourself right now, “Is my computer virus or spyware free?” As an IT professional and VR technology patent holder, I can almost certainly say no. If you do not have your computer serviced and properly protected, then no, your computer is full of files and programs that are stealing and spying on your devices.
But, don’t worry. The point to this book is to show you how easy it is to download and scan your computer or phone for threats, teach you how to buy and sell on crypto exchanges, and then move on to making your own NFT, followed by where to make money with NFTS! I know it’s a lot, but, imagine if I showed you how to buy crypto coins, tokens, or NFTs, and one of the, shoot to the moon. How will you protect and store it? Trust me when I say, that everyone needs to read this book, so they can easily understand crypto before being thrown into the great money transition.
Key Concepts of This Book:

Chapter 1 - The World of Blockchain Technology
You will learn a little about blockchain technology and a lot about what makes cryptocurrencies work at their core, such as gas fees, the different types of cryptocurrencies, a brief description of how to use crypto, and other fundamentals. Crypto-101, if you will.

Chapter 2 - Cryptocurrency Types & How to Store Them
You will learn the difference between a coin and a token and how to store them safely offline away from scammers. I will go over different crypto wallets and important storage methods. Then, we will go deep into MetaMask, your new online wallet.
Chapter 2 - Cryptocurrency Types & How to Store Them
You will learn the difference between a coin and a token and how to store them safely offline away from scammers. I will go over different crypto wallets and important storage methods. Then, we will go deep into MetaMask, your new online wallet.

Chapter 3 - Understanding Digital Security
I will discuss crypto security methods and topics such as why you do not want to use a virus-ridden computer to buy or store crypto. I will walk you through how to check and clean your computers and devices before letting spyware watch you type your passwords out.

Chapter 4 - How to Buy, Sell, Send, Receive, & Swap Crypto
This chapter teaches you how to buy, sell, and do other cool things with crypto. Learn to swap one coin for another, send your friends coins, and better yet, have them send you crypto and other exciting topics!
Chapter 4 - How to Buy, Sell, Send, Receive, & Swap Crypto
This chapter teaches you how to buy, sell, and do other cool things with crypto. Learn to swap one coin for another, send your friends coins, and better yet, have them send you crypto and other exciting topics!

Chapter 5 - How to Purchase & Make NFTs
Learn how to make money by investing in tokenization and what makes NFTs one of the most important creations mankind has ever invented. Learn how to buy NFT assets like homes, baseball cards, diamonds, vehicles, and more. Then, I will show you how to make and sell your very own NFT picture or video!

Chapter 6 - Investing in NFTs
I will show you several industries that are selling digital and real-world assets through NFTs. Learn where to buy ownership in actual luxury vehicles, baseball cards, and several other exciting investing opportunities with tokenization.
Chapter 6 - Investing in NFTs
I will show you several industries that are selling digital and real-world assets through NFTs. Learn where to buy ownership in actual luxury vehicles, baseball cards, and several other exciting investing opportunities with tokenization.

Chapter 7 - Valuable Crypto Knowledge & a Jump Start to Investing
After you have learned the essential aspects of buying crypto and protecting it, we will discuss more technical details about crypto that would have made no sense earlier in this book. This knowledge will make you a crypto pro in conversation and prepare you for advanced investing.

Chapter 8 - Investing in NFTs
Every investor follows specific guidelines and ideologies. They know phrases and terms that have significant meaning in the investing world. I will review common investing vocabulary to help you make better trading decisions.
Chapter 8 - Investing in NFTs
Every investor follows specific guidelines and ideologies. They know phrases and terms that have significant meaning in the investing world. I will review common investing vocabulary to help you make better trading decisions.

Protect Your Crypto!
Download Your Private Keys!
One of the main reasons why I wrote this book is because when I truly had the moment to understand crypto security, I knew the world needed help. I literally looked up while I gasped and uncontrollably exclaimed out loud the phrase, “Oh my god, the world isn’t ready for this.” Fortunately, no one heard me except my cats.
In my daily workflow, I constantly have to break into my clients’ computers and equipment. They failed to write down the proper information and used the wrong methods, as a small post-it note that they sware was somewhere on their desk. Let me help you have the knowledge to protect your crypto and investments. Some people come to me when it is too late, and there is nothing I can do to help them recover their lost assets. I can only help them not make the same mistakes in the future, don’t be one of them!
I am not being light about the subject. Do you know what a private key is? Do you understand the process of restoring an old wallet to a new one? If not, you need some help. I can help. This book can help. Our money is about to go digital, and that means that your digital devices need protection before downloading a few million or, heck, in this day and age, even a few hundred dollars.

With this book, not only will you learn about investing in crypto and NFTs, but you will also learn how to protect your phones, laptops, computers, and your wallets. Each aspect of crypto can be quite confusing, but you don’t have a choice. You must learn it, or not only are you losing out on the newest investments and apps, but you are risking not being prepared when digital money becomes the designated currency of the world.
More Info Coming Soon!
I am just now building my website and adding classrooms, tutorials, and other resources! Check back for updates!
Updated: February, 24, 2025
Samuel L. Farina III
Author of Learn Crypto by Lunch